MP Abu Halabiya calls for legal efforts against Israel’s West Bank annexation move

  • News
  • January 09, 2018
MP Abu Halabiya calls for legal efforts against Israel’s West Bank annexation move

Head of the Jerusalem Committee in the Palestinian Legislative Council, Ahmad Abu Halabiya, on Monday condemned Likud party’s decision to impose Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank and Jerusalem settlements.
MP Abu Halabiya said in a press statement that Israel is attempting to impose a fait accompli on the occupied Palestinian territories by taking such unjust decision and called for efforts to be made in confrontation of this move on the official and legal levels.
He warned of the repercussions of this decision, especially that there are discussions between Likud party and other Israeli parties to make the new resolution binding for all parties and the successive Israeli governments.
He asked the Palestinian Authority to go to the International Criminal Court and different international forums, like the UN Security Council, to prosecute the Israeli criminals.

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