"Istanbul Declaration" at the end of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly’s work confirms its support for the establishment of a Palestinian state

  • News
  • November 24, 2017
"Istanbul Declaration" at the end of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly’s work confirms its support for the establishment of a Palestinian state

The Istanbul Declaration, issued at the end of the meetings of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly, on Thursday evening in Istanbul, Turkey, affirmed the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent Palestinian state “on the borders of 4 June 1967” with Jerusalem as its capital.
The statement condemned all “Israeli” settlement activities and the demolition of buildings in Palestine condemning the violations committed by the “Israeli” occupation forces.
The Istanbul Declaration, adopted by the closing session of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly yesterday, which includes 42 Asian parliaments, welcomed Palestinian reconciliation.
It also urged the international community to revive the settlement process on the basis of international legitimacy resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.

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