Khreisha: The activation of the Legislative Council is a necessity to incite the parliaments of the world against the Balfour Declaration

  • News
  • November 07, 2017
Khreisha: The activation of the Legislative Council is a necessity to incite the parliaments of the world against the Balfour Declaration

The second deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Hassan Khreisheh, stressed that the seriousness and distance from selectivity in activating the crime of the Balfour Declaration will lead to inciting the world against Britain, which established the Nakba of the Palestinian people by issuing Balfour Declaration a hundred years ago on November 2, 1917, under the guise of international legitimacy at that time by including the promise under the Mandate instrument, which paved the way for Britain to establish the Jewish state through the mandate of Palestine in 1918, stressing at the same time the importance of activating the Legislative Council to raise the ominous Balfour promise before the parliaments of the world.
Khreisheh said in a statement on the role of the Palestinian Legislative Council in the revival of the Balfour Declaration that “the Legislative Council seeks to pass a law considering Balfour an international crime, but normally its the Palestinian National Council who have to enact a law in this regard.”
He stressed the importance of unifying references and combining legislative efforts, whether legislative or national council, as well as the executive through the Palestinian government to incite the world against Britain, which started the catastrophe of the Palestinian people.
“A year ago, there was a vote in the British House of Commons that recognized the right of the Palestinian people to their land and called on the government to recognize a Palestinian state. This is an important sign that must be built upon,” Khreisheh said.
Regarding the escalation of the Balfour crime before the parliaments of the world, Khreisheh stressed that “the original is the activation of the Legislative Council and its convening to be able to simulate parliaments of the world uniformly.”

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