MP Fuqaha calls for a unified national program to counter the enemy

  • News
  • November 01, 2017
MP Fuqaha calls for a unified national program to counter the enemy

Legislative Council MP Abdel-Jaber Fuqaha called on Palestinian factions to agree on a unified agenda to deal with the occupation and its arrogance. He confirmed the importance of relaunching the resistance in the occupied West Bank and stopping all forms of security coordination with the occupying enemy that benefits from the regional and global situation and continues its horrific crimes against the Palestinians.
“The occupation has never stopped its atrocious crimes against civilians in particular, and all the Palestinian people in general,” he said.
“The crimes committed by the Israeli occupying forces on a daily basis compel us to react immediately and effectively to thwart the arrogance of our terrorist enemy,” he said in a press release.
“The Oslo agreement is illegal and since then the occupying enemy has committed and continues to commit horrible crimes against humanity, so the PA should immediately withdraw from this unfortunate agreement and reject the recognition of the occupaying extremist Zionist state, “he insisted.

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