AU welcomes reconciliation agreement

  • News
  • October 16, 2017
AU welcomes reconciliation agreement

The head of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki welcomed the Palestinian reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas.
In a press release, Faki congratulated Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and all other concerned parties on this achievement.
He expressed The deep African Union’s appreciation to the Government of Egypt for its crucial role in facilitating this agreement and encouraged it to continue its efforts.
Faki expressed his hope for the full implementation of the agreement, especially the agreed steps to enable the Palestinian government to fulfill its responsibilities in Gaza.
He stressed “the solidarity of the African Union with the Palestinian people to exercise their inalienable rights, as well as its commitment to the two-state solution, in line with its relevant resolutions and Security Council resolutions.”
It is noteworthy that Palestine obtained the status of observer member of the African Union in 1973.

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