Hamas and Fatah sign reconciliation agreement in Cairo

  • News
  • October 12, 2017
Hamas and Fatah sign reconciliation agreement in Cairo

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya announced that his Movement reached a reconciliation agreement at dawn Thursday with the Fatah faction following two rounds of talks held in Cairo under the auspices of the Egyptian intelligence agency.
This came in a brief statement released at an early hour today by Haneyya’s office and published by Hamas’s media department.
The statement, however, did not state the details of the agreement, which was signed by the two sides following a second round of talks that lasted for about 14 hours.
Informed sources said that a joint news conference will be held at 12 o’clock on Thursday afternoon in Cairo to reveal the details of the agreement.
The second round of talks ended at 02:00 am today at the headquarters of the Egyptian intelligence in Cairo.
The first round of talks between Hamas and Fatah started Tuesday morning and lasted for about 10 hours.
According to a previous statement released by the two sides, the participants discussed during their first meeting a number of important issues related to the national reconciliation, including the steps to be taken to alleviate the humanitarian suffering of the population in Gaza.
They also discussed the mechanisms to implement the 2011 agreement between Hamas and Fatah and enable the Palestinian government to successfully and fully assume its responsibilities in Gaza.

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