Some considerations, before leaving to Bruxelles, the political and institutional heart of Europe

Some considerations, before leaving to Bruxelles, the political and institutional heart of Europe

Some considerations, before leaving to Bruxelles, the political and institutional heart of Europe. 

Hon. Michele Piras

President of the League of Europe


For everything who stands on the side of human rights, people’s self-determination, justice and truth, it is impossible to forget the Palestinian cause and the condition in which Palestinians are forced to live, in their motherland, in the refugee camps all over the Area, dispersed and disrupted throughout the world. 

Even the Palestinian issue is a question that speaks, to every Country and to the European ones particularly, the language and the story of a possible peace founded on justice, and about the benefits that such kind peace could bring to the Peoples living in the whole area. 

Clearly Palestine’s oppression is not the only problem of the region, but is certainly the most emblematic and is strategic, for deep cultural and geopolitical reasons. 

Also for economic reasons.

Recently in Naples a big Conference, held on the themes concerning the economy in the European and Mediterranean area, submitted to our attention also some more  data and necessary considerations. 

At the current state and despite the various conflicts ongoing in the area, most of them caused by the role played in the recent decades by the aggressive intervention of the Western Countries, and also despite of the unjust distribution of wealth and the problems concerning social and human rights, this macro region - in which lives the 6.5% of the World’s population - produces about 10.3% GDP and represents 10% of the global consumes. 

Despite the Coronavirus crisis and global impact of the war between Russia and Ukraine, in the period 2018-2021, the medium GDP in the Euro-Mediterranean area increased 7.7%, with of 19% in the Balkans and 13.2% in Northern Africa. 

At the same time 7.9% of world investments (more than 500 billion dollars) are concentrated in the region. 

This short report clarified which is the potentially of an Euro-Mediterranean area of peace, cooperation, respect between Countries and cultures. 

In other terms this is the economic demonstration of the priority of peace and also the reason why, if not for the deep and fundamental values of the European constitution, the Union has to develop a different role and policy for the Medierranean area, and therefore for Palestine. 

It’s a direct interest for the Union and mostly for the Mediterranean European Countries. 

This will be one of the issues the European League of Parliamentarians for Palestine and Al-Quds will bring to the European Parliament, in the meetings expected on March 23rd, a new step towards the organizzative and political work we’re developing in the Old World.

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