Announcing the formation of the Uruguayan-Palestinian Friendship Committee in the Uruguayan Parliament

In cooperation between LP4Q and the Palestinian Latin Forum

Announcing the formation of the Uruguayan-Palestinian Friendship Committee in the Uruguayan Parliament

Uruguayan parliament announces the formation of the Palestinian Uruguayan committee under the presidency of H.E. MP Sandra Lazo.

Lazo clarified that, the Parliament approved the membership of the committee during a held session, stating that the formation of the committee came after communications and cooperative efforts between the League of Parliamentarians for Al Quds, Latin Palestinian Forum and with a number of Uruguayan parliament members.

She added that the formation of the committee, come along as part of the human and moral duty of parliamentarians in supporting the justice of the Palestinian cause and preserving the right of Palestinian people, international legitimacy and within their responsibilities and duties toward their nation and nations worldwide.

She pointed out that it aims to gather the public and international support in Uruguay and Latin America in service of the Palestinian cause and people in all places.

It is further noted that with the cooperation with the League, the Palestinian Latin Forum established multiple friendship committees consisting of Parliamentarians, politicians, and decision makers in Latin America, to gather the international support for the Palestinian cause and build networks of communication between these countries and Palestine.


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