Final statement of the fourth Conference of LP4Q

Final statement of the fourth Conference of LP4Q

Final statement of the fourth Conference of LP4Q


Under the generous patronage of His Excellency Professor Mustafa Shantop, Speaker of the Turkish Parliament, the fourth conference of the Association of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds was held in the Turkish capital, Ankara, entitled “Al-Quds is Our Red Line”, over two days, 11/30-1/12/2021, in which delegations from 45 countries participated. At their head are a number of parliament speakers, their deputies, their assistants and representatives of the Palestine committees in parliaments.

Over the course of two days, the participants in the conference discussed many challenges and dangers facing the Palestinian cause, as a result of the continuation of the "Israeli occupation", its daily aggressive practices against land, people and sanctities, and the humiliating complicity of the international community with these barbaric practices.

In addition to the opening and closing sessions, the Parliamentary Forum session witnessed workshops and seminars, which included deep dialogues, ideas and proposals on a serious vision to activate parliaments and Palestine committees in them, and regional ties to provide a real and globally influential support for the Palestinian people and their just cause.

The dialogues topped three main issues: the continuation of the occupation’s violations and attacks on Islamic and Christian holy sites in occupied Al-Quds, the displacement campaigns and theft of homes from Palestinian neighborhoods in Al-Quds, especially Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, the continuation of the unjust siege on the Gaza Strip in light of the Corona pandemic, and severe humanitarian conditions in deteriorating And the issue of thousands of prisoners in occupation prisons, including members of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

The most important decisions taken by the participants in the conference were the following:


First: Calling for urgent and practical action at all levels to confront the attack of Judaization and the dangerous and unprecedented violations that target the occupied city of Al-Quds, the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the rest of the Palestinian territories, and work to support Islamic and Christian holy sites in parliament, politically, popularly and financially.


Second: Full commitment to support the Palestinian people in their struggle to obtain their rights, liberate their land from Israeli occupation, establish their independent state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, and the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their lands from which the occupation abandoned them.


Third: The parliamentarians participating in the conference affirm their rallying around the "Parliamentarians League for Al-Quds", as an inclusive global parliamentary framework, and an address for all parliamentarians defending the Palestinian cause.


Fourth: Calling for completing the formation of committees for Palestine in all parliaments, and activating their role, in addition to activating the role of regional links.


 Fifth: Inviting members and fellow parliamentarians to submit bills that support Palestinian rights and reject and criminalize violations of the occupation in the parliaments of their countries.


Sixth: Standing firmly in the face of all attempts at normalization with the occupying state or any normalization agreements or any agreements in which the occupation participates, and condemning the haste of some countries in the normalization steps, and considering this as a stab in the back of the struggle of the Palestinian people.


Seventh: Provoking the crime of blockade of the Gaza Strip in front of parliaments and international institutions, moving to lift the siege that contravenes international laws and humanitarian norms, and providing humanitarian support to the besieged people of the Gaza Strip.


Eighth: Work to resume the visit of parliamentarians and solidarity activists to the Gaza Strip, with the aim of breaking the siege and helping to work on the reconstruction of what was destroyed by the occupation.


Ninth: Launching a global parliamentary action against what the Palestinian people are subjected to from the apartheid regime, which is the worst kind of occupation in our time.


Tenth: Demanding the international community to support the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupier in all forms guaranteed by heavenly laws and international covenants.


Eleventh: Condemning the international hypocrisy against the Palestinian national liberation movements, the latest of which is the British position regarding the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas as a terrorist movement, which holds the majority of seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council, at 60 percent.


Twelfth: Addressing US President Joe Biden regarding the conference on the development of democracy that he will host soon, and denouncing the contradiction regarding the democratic choice of the Palestinian people by restricting and imprisoning representatives by the occupation, and classifying the Palestinian struggle movements around which the people rally with terrorism.


Thirteenth: Continuously taking care of the issue of Palestinian prisoners in the prisons of the occupation, led by representatives of the Palestinian Legislative Council.


Fourteenth: Recommending the importance of continuing efforts to strengthen the presence of the League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds in international and regional parliamentary bodies.


Fifteenth: Sending a greeting to all the free people of the world, and all the peoples who support the Palestinian right, which was manifested in its best form in the popular movement in support of the Palestinian people, during the aggression carried out by the occupying power on the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the people of Sheikh Jarrah, and then the ugly war it launched on the Gaza Strip.


Sixteenth: Giving thanks and gratitude to Dr. Fuat Oktay, Vice President of Turkey for his participation in the conference, and His Excellency the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament, Professor Mustafa Shantop, for his generous sponsorship of the conference, and the affirmation of thanks and gratitude to the Turkish Parliament with all its parties and parliamentary blocs who have provided sponsorship to the League since its inception and supported its annual conferences and its various activities.


Seventeenth: Sending a cable of thanks to His Excellency the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for his strong stances towards Al-Quds, his generous sponsorship of the League since its inception, and his sponsorship of its conferences and his personal honor for it, which gave the League a global impetus derived from the justice of the Palestinian cause and the legitimacy of the distinguished Turkish position towards Al-Quds and the Palestinian people.


Eighteenth: Inviting all the present representatives and all members of the association to present the final statement in the sessions of their parliaments and to try to obtain support for it.


-  The End  -

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