The Final Statement of the 3rd Conference of the League of "Parliamentarians for Al-Quds"

  • News
  • February 21, 2020
The Final Statement of the 3rd Conference of the League of "Parliamentarians for Al-Quds"

Under the patronage of the Speaker of the Malaysian Parliament and the presence of YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad Prime Minister of Malaysian and the participation of more than 400 MPs from 65 countries, the League of Parliamentarian for Jerusalem held its 3rd international conference under the title of “towards effective strategy to defend Jerusalem” in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur on 8 and 9 February 2020.
This conference comes shortly after the announcement of the so-called “Deal of the Century” by US President Donald Trump which represents new aggression on the Palestinian people and the denial of their historical rights to their homeland and a stark violation of international laws and norms and human rights.
The conference participants discussed over the period of 2 days the dangers of the continuation of Israeli occupation towards the region and the world and, the necessary roles to end it and achieve justice for the Palestinian.
The conference also witnessed several workshops and meetings to emphasize the role of parliamentarians in mobilizing solidarity for the Palestinian people and their just cause, and to fulfill their legitimate aspirations.
The conference participants emphasized on the following:
  1. Supporting Palestinian right of return and self-determination and the establishment of a sovereign independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital
  2. Rejecting and condemning the so-called “Deal of the Century” which represents a continuation of the systematic American policy which is bias towards Israeli occupation and discrimination against the Palestinian people and represent a stark violation of international law and human rights: it is the deal of the one who does not own with the one who does not deserve.
  1. Condemning all forms of normalization with the occupation, and considering that as an award for its crimes and aggression.
  2. Any major or decision that does not grant the Palestinian people their full right will end in failure and will only result in more enmities and hatred, will prevent the achievement the peace and stability in the region and the world
  3. The cover that the American administration provide for: the repeated Israeli violations in Jerusalem against Al-Aqsa Mosque and other Islamic and Christian sanctuaries, the torture of the Palestinian people, the construction of the illegal settlements, the annexation of land and the blockade of Gaza are an act of aggression and will never serve the goal of achieving justice and peace.
  4. The Zionist aggression and violations against the Palestinian people and their rights and the continued American bias towards Israel require the unification of the Palestinian, Arab, Islamic and international front to face this aggression and violation.
The participant MPs in the third conference of the league of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds passed the following resolutions:
First: to continue our commitment towards the Palestinian cause, to defend its rights of Al-Quds and the entire of its Homeland and to expose the violations and atrocities committed by the occupation forces at all levels.
Second: to call upon the international community to pursue and follow with their obligations that enshrined by the human rights and the international norms and values towards the ending of the occupation, returning of the refugees and establishing of the independent and sovereign state of Palestine over the entire of land with Al-Quds as its capital.
Third: to call upon the international and regional Parliaments to issue the rules and legislative that condemn the occupation and its racist policies and atrocities against the people of Palatine and its legitimate rights.
Fourth: to call upon the international organizations and legal bodies to work their best to set free all Palestinian prisoners by the occupation and to immediately release all Parliamentarians behind the occupation bars.
Fifth: to call upon the Muslim countries to abide by their own monetary commitments to Al-Quds fund and to secure the required financial support to the UNRWA.
Sixth: to form a special committee to monitor and follow the “Israeli” occupation’s atrocities and violations against Palestinian people and to make it available before different international relevant organizations and institutions. And to make those all facts published in different media outlets and forward it to the different parliamentarian committees and legal institutions all over the world.
Seventh: Issuing international declaration in the name of conference confirming the stand of Palestinian people rights and demanding ending of occupation and all types of aggression and division in Palestine and the world.
Eighth: Work towards the implementation of the outcome of the conference on the strategy to end the occupation.
Ninth: To cherish and salute all Arab and Muslim people and free nations of the world for their steady and firm stances in continuous solidarity to the Palestinian people’s struggle in their endeavours to achieve their historical rights.
The third conference of the League of “Parliamentarians for Al-Quds” had taken administrative and organizational measures according to the legal entitlement to the end of the current session and related to the election of the new executive body after increasing the number to fifteen members, including the president and two deputies, according to the amendment approved by the General Assembly.
The participants extended the due thanks and regards to the government and Parliament of Malaysia for their professional arrangements and proper hospitality. Having said that we recall the distinguished efforts of Turkey during the past two conferences held in Istanbul 2016- 2018.
Finally, the participants expressed their salutations to the Palestinian people for their steadfastness and upholding their national rights, and for their embracing of universal values of freedom and justice. The participants also expressed their salutations to the free people of the World who support universal values of freedom and justice and call upon everyone to continue their solidarity and cooperation until Palestinian rights are achieved.
The League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds
Hamid Abdullah al-Ahmar

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