Palestinians and Europeans meet to find joint solutions to challenges facing Palestinian Development

  • News
  • September 02, 2019
Palestinians and Europeans meet to find joint solutions to challenges facing Palestinian Development

Representatives from 14 European countries and the European Union met with the Office of the Prime Minister to discuss priority policy areas that require greater joint attention on the road towards building a Palestinian state.
In the spirit of partnership, Europeans met with the Office of the Prime Minister to discuss findings of a joint monitoring exercise which began in 2018 and will last for three years. The representatives addressed such topics as data collection and analysis, policy-based financing, and how to work in Palestinian areas where the Palestinian Government has limited control due to the full control of Israeli authorities.
“This meeting shows the depth of the cooperative relationship between Palestinians and Europeans. In addition, this government considers such consultations to be crucial. The Palestinian Government works hard to take into account the views of international partners, the private sector and Palestinian civil society,” said Dr Estephan Salameh, Head of Planning, Policy and Aid Coordination at the Office of the Prime Minister.
“Europeans are once again speaking with one voice to our Palestinian partners. This is one of the first results of the improved European coordination and unity of purpose among Europeans in terms of the Palestinian state-building agenda,” said Alessandra Viezzer, EU Head of Cooperation.
This meeting is held on an annual basis to ensure that Palestinian citizens are put first. In light of the deteriorating economic and political situation in Palestine, European partners remain committed to supporting the Palestinian Authority to better address the needs of the Palestinian society.
European Development Partners work together in Palestine under the umbrella of the European Joint Strategy in support of Palestine 2017-2020 – Towards a democratic and accountable Palestinian state.
Under this strategic framework, European partners agree that their support should be directed towards state-building and protecting the viability of the two-state solution.
The European Joint Strategy is aligned to the National Policy Agenda and its sector strategies.

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